Some books can have a profound affect on our lives. They are to be read slowly and deeply, not like our newspapers. Then think about what you’ve read; meditate on it.
Be sure and read it again. If a book isn’t worth reading twice it isn’t worth reading once.
Introduction to Gnosis
Gnosis is Greek for knowledge [γνῶσις, gnosis]. This knowledge is very old, for it is the Truth that lies behind every religion. The tenor of the message has always changed with the time and place of any new inception in order for it to be more easily understood. Every new […] Read more
The Lord God of Truth Within
The author, known as M, continues to make the elements of Eastern Yoga accessible to the Western mind. This is done without forcing us into postures or poses that won’t benefit us. The concepts and ideas are presented in a way that we can grasp intuitively rather than intellectually. In […] Read more
The Day-Spring of Youth
This book is a presentation of yoga, but not the yoga Westerners would be accustomed to. We think yoga is a form of physical exercise similar to Pilates. This would be Hatha yoga most likely. This is an initiation into Eastern yoga which is very much of a spirutual nature. […] Read more